Sunday 16 January 2011

A Simple Song Of Hope

As I stare into the night sky I am hit by a wonderful feeling. Staring back at me as I lie on the grass are a billion stars. A billion tiny dots of light spread across the black canvas of the sky. Each tiny dot a star like our own sun. A billion stars with the possibility of planets, of life. Out there are billions of possible Earths, each with their own worries, their own fights, their own struggles. Each as important as our own to those concerned.

It is then that it hits me. These stars are not only far away but long ago. It has taken many million years for a lot of these stars light to reach here. These stars, these planets, their stories may all have played out before we as humans even left the trees.

We may feel important but truly we are naught but a drop in the ocean of this universe. I have spent a lot of my time on this planet consumed with anger and hate. This serves no-one, hate only serves to destroy the vessel that carries it. In the big picture it makes little difference what we actually do with our time on this Earth.

What I want to take from this, for you to take from this is not to stop fighting injustice, to not give in on the struggle from freedom and fairness but to fight not with hate but with love. The world has seen far too much hate. We are not here long so rather that recirculating the hate back towards those who have wronged you, have hurt you, respond with love. A revolution is not worth fighting if we leave the world with the same hate and fear as before.

This is not a call to arms. This is a personal awakening. We are controlled bu fear and hate and from here I will try to chose love. I will falter, I am human after all but I will attempt to make others lives a little better. If we all try to do one thing nice a day, or to even just make small changes to make others lives easier we can bring an end to fear, to hate. We are born equal, we will die equal, let us live equal.

Just a ramble today, didn't really have much of a plan when I started so I hope it has come out alright. This blog will return to normal with the next post. Let us try to make 2011 a great year.

Thank you for reading, I will be grateful for any comment, they will help me to advance this blog.

Stay alert, Stay free.

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