Moving on to the second poster and all I can say is this is just a lie. If someone can give me one example of anything like this happening then I'd be happy to listen and I will admit I'm wrong but I highly doubt that will happen. Also would a CCTV camera really stop a suicide bomber blowing themselves up? I mean there was plenty of footage of 7/7. Even if some "terrorists" have been staking out CCTV why wouldn't the trained policemen at the other end of the camera spot it? Are they so badly trained that it's our job to survey the land? If that's so they why do we bother with CCTV at all if no-one with half a brain is watching the other end?
These posters just seem like a futile attempt to scare us into a state at which we're ready to give up our freedoms. To a point we'll take anything they give us. I for one am not terrified, if I was wouldn't that be playing into the terrorists hands? Or is fear a tool used by both sides? We shouldn't be any more scared then usual for when we are fearful we cannot enjoy ourselves. I'm not saying be stupid. If you, by some astronomical chance, see something which truly makes you believe something could be happening then fine report it. Don't be scared but don't be retarded.
In other yet connected news videos of Ian Tomlinson (R.I.P.) have been arising across the Internet and various news outlets. Basically it shows him walking away from police in a calm manner with his hands in his pockets when police basically smashed him to the floor. Moments later he dies of a heart attack. The attack is unprovoked, Ian wasn't even a protester, he was walking home from work, he wasn't threatening the police at all.
If this sort of conduct is allowed to go without anything being done then I personally feel sick at what this country has become and what it will become. If you mix the factors of fear and police brutality together you get something sickeningly like a police state, add citizens informing on their fellow man the picture turns much like 1984. I fear for what this country will become, for what humanity will become. No justice, no peace.
If you want to watch the video here it is but it is rather somber.
R.I.P. Ian Tomlinson
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